In 2020, Lion Brand Yarn is encouraging makers and artists around the world to make a阿富汗旅行和共享更多关于使用包括hashtag #MyLifeinYarn他们生活在纱线行业。就个人而言,我会做一点反思,一点清理,大量的学习和大量的寻找到增长的美好未来。在这一年中,我将分享在纤维艺术家的这个多彩,精彩的社区我自己正在进行的旅程的故事。
我的电子邮件subscribers get first peeks get each month’s topic, and can ask questions that I’ll try to answer in a follow-up article, sohead on over to get on the list!
JANUARY: The Journey
My husband and I once picked up a Learn to Crochet kit from Michaels, just for fun. The two of use picked the worst possible yarn for beginners (shiny yarn that splits easily), and slowly made a hot pad and a scarf. Then we put it away and forgot about crochet for years.
It wasn’t until I had my own baby that I had this crazy idea to make him agranny square quiltthat he can take to college one day. Because boys do that to remind them of their moms, right?
I wanted to capture these huge feelings I had in something that will last beyond the flash of childhood. I also see now that deep down, I wanted him to know me as a woman capable of being both his mom as well as an individual with talents of my own, that I am a multidimensional being of art and math and creativity and logic and parenthood. And by doing so, I can show both my kids that they are multidimensional too.
I started a blog and wrote about an assortment of things, including crochet, but it took years of stumbling around with arts and crafts and recipes andhome renovations找到我的道路。在我的第一篇博客的会议之一,我听过这句话“你(网站)的80%的流量来自内容的20%”。我的听众想要钩针,和我靠在更多的入门,我爱上了惊人的东西,你可以用毛线球做。
All the Stuff in Between
Over the next few years, I designed simple accessories, toys, home decor, and eventually started making服装。I challenged myself to learn new skills likecorner to corner crochet,betway 体育是哪国的 和针织。At the same time, I was learning how to run a website, how to market myself, and how to be active in an online community. It was exciting and overwhelming and a little bit scary. As I created more projects, I began to shift towards sophisticated, modern aesthetics, and was excited to incorporate my engineering background into my designs.
The Journey Continues
The idea that a strand of yarn can be made into fabric is what fueled my interest in crochet, and it still drives me to this day. I am constantly amazed at what fiber can do, whether it’s in the form of crochet or knit or weaving or embroidery, to create beauty and functionality in our world. I love that these fiber arts is a medium to express powerful messages, andbring awareness to broad issues。Fiber crafts is an infinitely beautiful and relatable way to connect with others, share our lives, and tell a story full of texture, color, ingenuity, and hope.
OnInstagram, I shared BOLD as my word of the year. 2020 is when I hope to really lean into what excites me about fiber crafting, expand my own skill set, and dig deeper into how this art form can shape our lives in so many ways.
Theresa Jamessays
I love what you say in your post! We share the same views about fiber crafts! I learned to knit at the age of 6, and crochet at age 8, and have never stopped. I like to throw in counted cross stitch and plastic canvas here and there for variety.
Thank you for sharing your world with us. It’s a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to more of your corner of the world,
你有一个相当有趣的纤维艺术之旅。我5岁时学会了钩针,但回来到它在2016年我还在学习和做多。你是肯定会有人去仰望。我爱你所有的模式和教程。必威体育 首页感谢您对我们保持启发。保持惊人的!
It’s a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to more of your corner of the world,
Hi, I’m definitely in the snapshot and postcard crowd as I move from sight to sight and city to city every few days. I’m hopeful shooting every day will help improve my photography, but I didn’t give myself much time to go out and shoot with intention. I might need to start scheduling an hour or two a day just to go out and shoot.长期让伦敦